Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is the inability of a person to hold their urine involuntarily and emptying their urine untimely. One out of every five women over the age of 30 has more or less urinary incontinence. After the age of 65, urinary incontinence is seen in almost one out of every three women. Urinary incontinence is much more common than expected, especially among women, and this leads to limitations in psychological and sociological relationships in most patients.
Urinary incontinence is more common in women than men.
This is because:
Postpartum pelvic muscle weakness
Weakening of the urethra (urinary tract) support after menopause
It is the fact that the female urethra (urinary tract) is shorter than that of men.
Urinary incontinence is now more common in middle-aged and young people than previously thought. The problem of urinary incontinence also negatively affects the daily life and quality of life of the person. Urinary incontinence is a very frustrating problem. There is a feeling of discomfort with the constant worry of wetness and smell, and it can lead to depression by isolating the person from the society.
Urinary incontinence is generally divided into 4 groups.
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Stress urinary incontinence is the most common type of urinary incontinence in women. Urine leakage occurs in situations that increase intra-abdominal pressure, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, heavy lifting and exercise.
Causes of stress urinary incontinence:
Conditions with increased intra-abdominal pressure such as chronic lung diseases,
Vaginal births, especially those with a history of difficult and large baby births,
Becoming a mother at a later age
Respiratory system diseases that cause frequent coughing
Overflow Urinary Incontinence
Overflow urinary incontinence is usually seen in the elderly. There is pathology in the neural network of the bladder. In addition, the bladder cover, which should be loosened for urine output while urinating, cannot relax sufficiently. The bladder cannot empty completely because there is no relaxation. However, due to the pathology in the neural network, the bladder cannot understand that it is filled with urine. There is no feeling of congestion and there is leakage of urine in the form of leakage.
Causes of overflow urinary incontinence:
Damage to the nerves that control the bladder due to diabetes and spinal cord injury
Change of normal place with sagging of uterus
Urge Urinary Incontinence
Urge urinary incontinence is defined as a sudden and intense urge to urinate and involuntary urinary incontinence.
Causes of urge urinary incontinence:
Having a stone in the bladder
Older Age
Some urinary tract diseases such as cystitis
Diseases affecting the muscle and nervous system such as Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, spinal injuries
Mixed Urinary Incontinence
Mixed urinary incontinence is defined as a combination of stress urinary incontinence and urge urinary incontinence. For example, the patient may leak urine when coughing or sneezing, or sometimes after a sudden squeezing sensation. It is more common in women.
Causes of mixed urinary incontinence:
poor old age
advancing age
What is Laser Urinary Incontinence Treatment?
Laser urinary incontinence treatment is a non-surgical, seamless and painless method that we prefer for women with moderate and mild urinary incontinence. Laser urinary incontinence treatment is very effective, especially in women with urge urinary incontinence. Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser is used as laser.
It is extremely painless, painless, anesthesia is not required.
No surgical incision or suture is applied.
The procedure is short, and daily life can be resumed on the same day.
It causes tissue regeneration in the vagina.
In this way, the pleasure in sexual intercourse increases.
Vaginal tightening can also be applied in the same session.
Genital discoloration can also be applied in the same session.
Effective results can be obtained without any side effects.
Since no surgical incision is made and no tissue damage occurs during laser urinary incontinence treatment, recovery occurs very quickly.
How to Treat Urinary Incontinence with Laser?
The patient is taken to the gynecological examination table.
A sterile speculum specially developed for laser is inserted into the vagina.
The laser probe is sent into the vagina.
Laser shots are made around the bladder neck and urethra (urinary tract).
Thanks to the given energy, collagen and elastic connective tissue in this region are stimulated.
With the stimulation of the connective tissue, this area is tightened, the urinary tract is fixed, supported and the problem of urinary incontinence is eliminated.
Laser urinary incontinence treatment takes about 15-20 minutes on average.
Generally, 2 - 4 sessions are applied with an interval of 4 weeks.
After the procedure, sexual intercourse is restricted for 7 days.
Its preventive effect on urinary incontinence becomes noticeable 3 weeks after the procedure.
What are Laser Urinary Incontinence Treatment Prices?
Due to the rules of the Ministry of Health, we cannot publish the price of laser urinary incontinence treatment on the website.
However, you can get a price by calling our center. Our laser urinary incontinence treatment prices are not confidential. Our patients, who wish, can get price information about the procedure by calling them by phone.
Located in Silivri, Dr. In Eser Agar Health Center, Laser Urinary Incontinence Treatment, Laser Vagina Tightening and Laser Lightening are applied. For detailed information and Make an Appointment, you can call 0 (212) 728 63 61.
Alibey Mah. Kızkapan St. İpek Business Center Floor:4 No:10 Silivri İSTANBUL
E-Mail: info@eseragar.com.tr
Tel: 0212 728 63 61 / 0 505 260 72 38
E-mail: info@eseragar.com
Tel: 0212 728 63 61 / 0 505 260 72 38
Our Working Hours
09:00 - 18.00
09:00 - 18.00
09:00 - 18.00
09:00 - 18.00
09:00 - 18.00
09:00 - 18.00
Rruga Mustafa Xhabrahimi, Kompleksi AL-Konstruksion GBI, Godina 12; FARKE Tirane 1044
E-Mail: info@eseragar.com.tr
Tel: 0212 728 63 61 / 0 505 260 72 38