Fetal DNA Test ( NIFTY – NIPT )
In the past, we could only get information about the chromosomes of the fetus in the womb with procedures such as amniocentesis, cordocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, and unfortunately, these are risky procedures that put the fetus in danger.
We have known for years that fetal cells travel in the blood of expectant women. At that time, our dream was to reach the baby's chromosomes by separating these cells from the maternal blood, but the technology enabling us to do so was not yet developed.
Fortunately, this technology has been available in the last few years and we can look at the chromosomes of the fetus in the womb, and we can do this with just a tube of blood sample taken from the expectant mother's arm. That blood sample carries the baby's chromosome particles mixed with the maternal blood that we analyze. 10 days after blood collection, the result comes with an accuracy rate of 99.5%. Unfortunately, it cannot give 100% accurate results under the current conditions, but this is still a considerably relaxing rate. The medical algorithm advises us to act as follows: If the result of the double screening test is 1/1000 and above, describe the test to the parents and let them know the risks; if it is 1/300 and below, recommend the parents to prefer amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling or cordocentesis that gives 100% accurate results. If the result is between 1/300 and 1/1000, recommend the parents a fetal cell DNA (NIPT – NIFTY) test in maternal blood.
If this test gives 100% accurate results over time, the amniocentesis procedure will be performed in very limited number of cases.
The disadvantage of the Fetal DNA Test is its considerably high cost. Prices vary depending on the number of diseases investigated and pricing policies of companies.
Sometimes parents can be extremely anxious. In case of advanced maternal age, and in cases where the expectant mother or her family has a history of chromosomal disorders, the expectant mother can get a NIFTY test voluntarily, without getting the double screening test. With intent to get a sufficient fetal fraction ratio, a fetal DNA test can be performed following the 10th week of pregnancy.
In our center, we perform the NIFTY test to detect 70 chromosomal diseases.

Alibey Mah. Kızkapan St. İpek Business Center Floor:4 No:10 Silivri İSTANBUL
E-Mail: info@eseragar.com.tr
Tel: 0212 728 63 61 / 0 505 260 72 38
E-mail: info@eseragar.com
Tel: 0212 728 63 61 / 0 505 260 72 38
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09:00 - 18.00
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09:00 - 18.00
09:00 - 18.00
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09:00 - 18.00
Rruga Mustafa Xhabrahimi, Kompleksi AL-Konstruksion GBI, Godina 12; FARKE Tirane 1044
E-Mail: info@eseragar.com.tr
Tel: 0212 728 63 61 / 0 505 260 72 38